Beaded Christmas Napkin Rings

Here is some ideas to make Beaded napkin rings craft for dinner table decoration on Christmas Eve. It's for adults only. Enjoy a bright Christmas time with your family.

Beaded Christmas Napkin Rings

Materials needed

  • A 20"(50 cm) square piece of white cotton.
  • A needle.
  • A spool of thread.
  • A piece of white linen (dimensions: 3" x 7").
  • A piece of interfacing
    (dimensions: 1¾" x 6").
  • Metallic red beads - 27, medium-sized.
  • Gold beads - 27, small-sized.
  • Tracing paper.
  • Stencil cardboard/plastic.
  • Stencil brush.
  • Green fabric stencil paint.
  • Gold fabric stencil paint.
  • Washable ink pen.
  • Stencil template (provided here).
  • Craft knife.
  • A heated iron.

How to make

1.Turn over the white cotton square with right sides facing. Fold the piece diagonally in the middle to form a right-angled triangle.
2.Stitch a seam at a right-angle to the fold 1" (2.5 cm) from the end to ¼" (5 mm) to the raw edge.
3.Trim off the corner triangle. Do the same with the other three corners.
4. Turn the right side of the napkin out. Press the corners with a heated iron.
5.Turn each edge ¼" under and slip-stitch all the way around.
6. Iron the interfacing onto the white linen strip. Trim linen to ½" around the interfacing.
7. Stitch the raw edges in a zig-zag fashion to keep them from fraying.
8. Turn over the two long edges, slip-stich to keep in position and press.
9. Beginning at one long edge of the fabric, push the needle ½" into the edge. Fix a red and a gold bead with a thread.
10.Continue the process along the edges of the ring, weaving the beads ½" apart.
11. Trace the stencil template design onto the stencil cardboard. Cut the design out with a craft knife.

12. Make two stencils, one for the ribbons and another for the bows.
13. Place the bell stencil near the bottom of the napkin ring. Coat with gold stencil paint.
14. Place the ribbon stencil on the napkin ring. Coat with green stencil paint.
15. Using gold paint, provide a fine gold outline to the ribbons. Let dry for sometime.
16. When the ribbons have dried, slip-stitch the short ends together to form the ring.
17. Repeat the stencil process on another corner of the napkin and add beads as shown in the diagram alongside.