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One of the foremost Muslim festivals, Eid-Ul-Adha, is also named as Bakr-Eid. During the festival of sacrifice, Muslims continue innumerable holy activities. They sacrifice their domestic animals, such as, sheep, cow, camel, goat etc. The prophet Abraham showed the “way of sacrifice” to the entire Muslim community and Muslims are continuing the same tradition year after year.

Celebrated on the tenth day of Duhl-Hijja (the last month of the Islamic year), Eid-Ul-Adha, is celebrated after the Hajj. Spiritual Muslim people celebrate the occasion in merry ways for several days in various parts of the world.

Dressed in new attires, enthusiastic and jovial Muslims enjoy every bit of this occasion together. The day starts with a prayer. Breakfast of Sheer Korma is followed right after the prayer.

The animals are sacrificed and the meats of the slaughtered animals are distributed among the neighbors, friends, family and poor people right after taking breakfast. Meats are distributed in three equal parts for neighbors and friends, family members and poor people.

Blissful Muslims savor the taste of meats and greet each other. This is the occasion which spreads the message of togetherness. Friends and family members congregate at one place and spend quality time together.

Muslims visit the places of near and dear ones to celebrate the occasion. Delicious Muslim delicacies and drinks are served to make it a festival to remember for a long time.

To make the festivity even more astounding, kids can make some hassle-free crafts and greet their loved ones with those. People who don’t have enough time to go to market for buying greetings, they can look forward for some greeting cards online. Celebrate the festivity of Eid-Ul-Adha in a creative way.

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