Blindfold Obstacle Course

Blindfold Obstacle Course

You need: Small wooden branches with one end sharpened, a narrow piece of cloth, an open ground, a ball of wool/string.

How to Play:

1) Insert the branches in different parts of the ground, keeping half of them above the surface of the earth.

2) Unknot the wool and tie them around each branch thus setting a boundary where the game is to begin.

3) Pour water on one part of the ground to make a muddy puddle.

4) Place a row of empty boxes(packing boxes are just great!) along another part of the course.

5) Inflate the balloons. Tie them to the nails and pin them to the ground. Make sure that their upper edges do not stick out of the ground. These can hurt the players.

6) You have prepared the obstacle course.

7) Blindfold one of the participants and ask him/her to walk through the course. Another player must always be on the side of the blindfolded participant to the end of the ground and see that he/she does not fall or get hurt. The player should also warn the blindfolded participant when he or she is entering different areas.

8) Set the other players at different points of the course. They should add to the excitement of the game by howling like ghosts or roaring like lions when the blindfolded player passes by them. And the player would be in for some real excitement when he/she steps on any one of the balloons.

NOTE: The aim of the game for you all is to have an entertaining time. If you are very careful to avoid nasty surprises and not to lay any dangerous obstacles, the game will be wonderful.

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