Crafts for Hanukkah

Hanukkah is the time for celebrations with plenty of good foods and music. And to make the festival more exciting here are some easy to do crafts that will add some more spice to the festival.
Easy to make Jewish crafts for the festival of Hanukkah. Use these craft ideas and your creativity to light up Hanukkah. Hanukkah activities for you with your family.

Hand-Crafted Clay Menorahs

To make this project you will need clay (one that will air dry),
craft sticks,
a pencil,
birthday candle holders,
birthday candles,
and your hands.
Take the clay and knead and flatten it.

Next trace or carve out your hands from the clay using a craft stick. Next take your two clay hands, overlap the thumbs and press the hands together. Now stand up the clay hands so that fingers are facing upwards towards the ceiling. Now take your pencil and make a hole in the top of each finger. Place small birthday candle holders in holes in the tops of the clay fingers which you just made with your pencil. There will be eight fingers with eight candles- for every night of Hanukkah and the one candle in the thumbs, called the Shamash, to light the others. Let the menorah dry and then paint the menorah if you want. Add candles.


Homemade Menorah

3 of 10 Families use a special, nine-pronged candelabra, called a menorah or hanukkiah, to light candles every night for the eight nights of Hanukkah. The ninth candle, which stands higher than the others, is the shammash or servant candle. It is used to light the other candles (so, technically, you light two candles on the first night, three on the second night and so on). It is customary for the candles to be placed in the menorah from right to left and lit from left to right. Making a menorah from self-hardening clay is an easy, fun project for kids to try. When it is complete, set the menorah on a windowsill for all to admire.

Self-hardening clay, about 1 1/2 lbs.
Butter knife
Hanukkah candles
Sheet of sturdy cardboard
Acrylic paint in assorted colors

On a clean work surface, roll the clay into a long cylinder with an even diameter of a little over an inch. Then, measure the cylinder and mark off 10 even lengths (about 1 1/2 inches each). Cut eight of these lengths, and leave the last two uncut (these will be the taller shammash). Cylinders may flatten when cut; gently reshape them if necessary. Using a Hanukkah candle, make a hole in one end of each cylinder, deep enough to hold a lighted candle. Again, reshape gently.

On the cardboard base, line up the cylinders side by side, with the one for the shammash in the center. Gently press the sides of the cylinders together, using water to make them stick (some separation may occur when the menorah dries). To decorate your menorah, roll out a thin coil of clay to twine around the bottom or sides. Alternatively, you can try adding stars or other clay shapes. To help clay decorations adhere to the menorah, brush both surfaces with water before attaching. Let the finished menorah dry for two or three days, then paint it in bright colors. 3 of 10



Age: 4-12
Hanukkah (Chanuka) is a Jewish holiday celebrating religious freedom. During this festival, a candle is lit at the end of every day. Traditionally, each candle is placed in a Menorah. The middle candle (the shamash) and one other candle are lit on the first night. The middle candle (or shamash) is then used to light the third candle on the second night, the fourth candle on the third night, the fifth candle on the fourth night, the sixth candle on the fifth night, the seventh candle on the sixth night, the eighth candle on the seventh night and the ninth candle on the eighth night. The eighth night is when all the candles are burning at once.

What You Need: Cardboard toilet paper rolls.
Masking or scotch tape.
Cardboard or wood strips. (approx 2"-3" wide)
Yellow and orange tissue paper.
Tempera paint, brushes and water.
Magic markers.
What You Do:
Take 9 cardboard rolls - 4 pairs and one single. Keep one roll the length that it is and cut the other 4 down as shown above. The center will be the tallest.
Tape (or glue) the tubes to the cardboard or wood.
Paint or use magic markers to color the menorah.
Glue pieces of yellow and orange tissue paper in the ends of the tubes to represent burning flames.


Paper Box Craft

Make a little paper box that is great to hold a little Hanukkah gift.
Material Needed:


Print out a copy of the box template.

Decorate the box and cut it out.

Fold all the interior lines of the box. Glue the one tab that is marked to glue, and attach it to the other end of the template, forming a box.

Fold over the tabs on each end and close the ends.
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