Bird Gift Tags

Like your Christmas gifts, your gifts tags should also be special. Try out this bird shaped gift tag to go with your presents. Enjoy a bright Christmas time with your family.

Making of Bird Gift Tags

Materials needed

  • Template
    (provided here)
  • A large piece of colored (preferably pink) origami paper.
  • A pencil.
  • A pair of small scissors.
  • Paper glue.
  • Chinese New Year 'money'.
  • Pinking shears.
  • Hole punch.
  • Narrow ribbon strips (of short lengths).

How to make

1. Place the bird template on the colored origami paper and trace its design. Cut the design out.
2. Next, cut out a piece slightly larger than the bird from the colored hand-made paper. This is to serve as the background for the bird.
3. Using paper glue, paste the bird into the center of the hand-made paper cutout.

4. Cut out a crown and wings from the golden part of the Chinese 'money'. Paste in place.
5. Cut a strip out of the colored hand-made paper of the same width as the card.
6. Trim the upper edge of the strip with the pinking shears. Glue this along the bottom of the card so as to nearly cover the bird's feet.

8. Punch a hole in one corner of the tag. Pass a pretty ribbon through and tie its ends together. Use it to hang the bird tag from anywhere you like.