The first day of May brings us the annual occassion known as May Day. A holiday in many nations of the world, it is a culmination of the historic struggle of millions of workers who earn by the sweat of their brow. Celebrate this beautiful holiday with an equally brilliant word search puzzle themed to May Day. Attempt this cool May Day Word Search Puzzle and add a new note to your celebrations. If you like this word search puzzle and want to refer it to your buddies, just click here to send this page to them. Wish you a happy May Day!
Let your holiday spirits soar with this excellent Word Search Puzzle themed to May Day! All you need to do is go through the printing instructions, issue a printout of the puzzle template (provided below) and find out certain words from a jumbled arrangement of letters. All the words that you have to find out are connected in some way to May Day and we have deliberately hidden them in every direction - horizontal, vertical, diagonal, forward or backward. Try to find out all the listed words. Every time you spot a word, encircle it with a pen to seperate from the jumble. Best of Luck!
Click on the thumbnail image of the Word Search template given alongside to open it in a new window.
To print the puzzle template, click on the "Print" button provided in the new window or go to the upper left corner of the window and click File>Print. To know how your printout will look like, click on File>Print Preview before you actually issue a print.
Close the template window after you have taken out the print to return to this screen.
Start solving the puzzle from your Word Search printout.
NOTE: Set page margins to zero if you have trouble fitting the template on one page (FILE, PAGE SETUP or FILE, PRINTER SETUP in most browsers).