
Have a Quizy Thanksgiving time

Welcome to our Thanksgiving Quiz! This interactive quiz is designed to test your knowledge of Thanksgiving, its traditions, history, and fun facts. Get ready to challenge yourself and see how much you know about this beloved holiday.


There are 20 multiple-choice questions in this quiz.
Read each question carefully and select the answer you believe is correct.
Choose the best response from the four options provided.
At the end of the quiz, your total score will be revealed, along with the correct answers for any questions you missed.
Whether you're a Thanksgiving enthusiast or simply curious about this holiday, this quiz is a great opportunity to learn some interesting facts and test your Thanksgiving knowledge. So, without further ado, let's dive into the Thanksgiving Quiz and see how well you do!

Remember, have fun and enjoy the quiz. Good luck!

See how far you know about Thanksgiving

Select your answers and check your score.

Thanksgiving Quizshadow

All Thanksgiving Quiz Questions

  1. What is the name of the annual Thanksgiving parade held in Philadelphia?
  2. Which president started the tradition of pardoning a Thanksgiving turkey?
  3. What is the name of the traditional Thanksgiving dessert made with sweet potatoes and marshmallows?
  4. Which European country is believed to have influenced the Pilgrims' Thanksgiving feast?
  5. What is the name of the annual Thanksgiving football game between the Detroit Lions and the Green Bay Packers?
  6. Which president proclaimed Thanksgiving to be celebrated on the final Thursday of November rather than the last Thursday?
  7. What is the name of the traditional bread often served during Thanksgiving dinner?
  8. Where was the turkey first domesticated?
  9. What is the name of the annual event held in New York City on Thanksgiving morning, featuring giant character balloons and marching bands?
  10. Which state is known as the "Pumpkin Capital of the World" and hosts a festival dedicated to pumpkins during Thanksgiving?
  11. What is the name of the Native American who is believed to have taught the Pilgrims how to cultivate crops and fish?
  12. What is the name of the long, narrow dining table often used for Thanksgiving feasts?
  13. Which U.S. state celebrates the holiday of Thanksgiving but on a different date than the rest of the country?
  14. Which pilgrim leader invited the neighboring Indians to the first Thanksgiving feast?
  15. Which Native American tribe is associated with the Squanto, who played a crucial role in the survival of the Pilgrims?
  16. What is the name of the popular Thanksgiving song composed by Irving Berlin?
  17. Which president held the first televised pardon of a Thanksgiving turkey?
  18. In the United States, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the same day as the national holiday of which country?
  19. What is the name of the traditional stuffing made from bread, onions, celery, and herbs?
  20. Who was in favor of making turkey the National Bird of America?

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