Back To School Poems

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Red apples

Blue sky

Yellow buses

It's September.

Falling leaves

Rainbow crayons

Many questions

It's September.

Opening doors

Opening books

Opening hearts

It's September.

Time of wonder

Time of growing

Timeless treasures

It's September.

Welcome, children.

Happy Habits Song (Row, Row, Row, Your Boat)

Brush, brush, brush your teeth

'Til they shine and gleam.

Up and down and in and out,

Then your smile will beam.

Wash, wash, wash your face

Every morn and night.

Comb your hair, clean your nails:

You're a sparkling sight!

Clean, clean, clean your room.

Put your toys away.

Eat good foods, get your rest.

Make new friends today!

Autumn Tapestry

Patchwork quilt of maple leaves,

Crimson and yellow.

Herringbone smoke rings curling wispily

From chimney tops.

Hemline stitching of silver brocade rain

Along city streets.

Dotted swiss gardens embroidered

In appliqued pumpkins.

Russet-blanketed hills basted

With lacy frost.

Autumn tapestry reposing

In a framework of splendor.

These poems are graciously offered by Judith A. Lindberg for your enjoyment.

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