Delicious Recipes for Baisakhi!

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Sarson ka Sag | Bisi Bele Bhath | Battura | Nan | Biriyani | Carrot Halwa
Wheat Flour Laddu | Nariel (coconut) Laddu | Banana Cake

Ingredients :
Sarson greens - 1bunch
Spinach - 1bunch
Grated Onion - 1no
Grated Ginger - 1inch piece
Grated Cloves - 6nos
Cheese or Paneer - to garnish
Lemon Juice - 1tbs
Ghee - 2 tbs
Oil - 1 tbs
Garam Masala - 1/2 tsp
Corn flour - 1tbs
Green Chillies - 3nos
Salt - to taste
Preparation :
Chop sarson and spinach greens, wash and drain, keep aside. Heat some oil in the pressure cooker. To this, add the chopped greens and the green chillies. After stirring for some time add the ginger and garlic paste, stir and let it cook for some time. Then add the salt and a cup of water. Pressure cook till done. Mash the cooked sag. Heat some oil in a pan and saute the grated onion. To this, add the cooked sag and mix all the other ingredients and cook until oil separates. Garnish with cheese and serve hot.

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Bisi Bele Bhath
Ingredients :
Tur dal - 1/2 cup
Rice - 11/2 cups
Madras onions - a handful
Small brinjals - 2
Carrot - 1
Drumsticks - 2
A small piece of vegetable marrow
Tamarind - size of a lime
Red chillies - 12
Green chillies - 4
Fenugreek seeds - 1 tsp
Coriander seeds - 1 tsp
Mustard - 2 tsp
Cashewnut - 20gms
Grated coconut
Asafoetida - a pinch
Curry leaves - few
Coriander leaves - few
Poppy seeds - 1 tsp
Aniseeds - 1/2 tsp
Cloves - 4
Cardamoms - 4
Cinnamon - a small piece
Ghee for frying
Salt to taste
Preparation :
Peel Madras onions. Peel and cut vegetables into 1 inch pieces. Wash rice and dal thoroughly. Place it in a container with 21/2 cups of water, a pinch of turmeric powder and chopped vegetables. Heat a little oil in a frying pan. Add the 6 red chillies, fenugreek, coriander seeds and grated coconut. Fry until fenugreek turns golden brown in colour. Powder and keep aside, heat a little oil and fry poppy seeds, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, aniseeds. Powder and keep aside. Soak tamarind in a little water and extract juice. Heat a little oil, add remaining chillies, mustard, curry leaves and green chillies. When mustard crackles, add to rice and mix well. Add tamarind juice and salt to taste and mix thoroughly. Heat a little ghee and fry Cashewnuts until golden brown in colour. Add to rice along with powdered ingredients and masala powder. Mix well. Remove from fire. Add ghee just before serving.

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Ingredients :
Maida - 1000gms or 1 kg
Egg - 1
Yeast - 1 tsp
Milk - 1/2 glass
Sugar - 2 tbs
Salt - to taste
Preparation :
Add the above ingredients together. Add some warm water and mix it into a thick dough. Cover the dough with a wet cotton cloth and keep it aside for six hours. One or two mixing in between will make the dough extra soft. Now the dough is ready. Make small balls with the dough and roll it into thick rounds. Then deep fry it in oil.

Easy method: To make the dough ready in half an hour, mix the flour with soda (bottled soda), a little sugar and salt.

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Ingredients :
Flour - 41/2 cups
Sugar - 1 tsp
Ghee - 1 dsp
Curds - 1/2 cup
Milk - 1/2 cup
Baking soda - 1/2 tsp
Egg - 1
Black Cummin or gingely seeds - a little
Yeast - 2 tsp
Preparation :
Mix the yeast and sugar in 1/4 cup hot milk and keep it till it froths well. Beat the curds, with the remaining milk and mix the baking soda in it. Add this to the flour along with the yeast, ghee, egg, salt to taste and kneed well. Keep it, till it rises and become double in bulk. Knead it again and make 12 balls. Roll it out so that one end is flat and the other end pointed. Those who have the tandoor oven can bake it, in it. Alternately, grease a tin arrange the nan on it. Brush the top with water or milk sprinkle a few gingely seeds on it, press, so that they stick, and bake in a very hot oven (450 to 500 degree) till it is cooked for 4 or 5 minutes.

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Ingredients :
Meat (lamb or chicken) - 1kg
Biriyani rice - 2kg
Onions - 6 no's
Coriander leaves and mint leaves - 50gms each
Green chillies - 8 no's
Tomatoes - 5 no's
Ghee or dalda - 300gms
Garlic, ginger pieces - 1/4 cup each
(Optional) For extraction of milk 11/2 coconuts( 2 glasses)
Cardamom - 12 no's
Cinnamon - 1 1/2 tbs
Cloves - 1 tbs
Water - 14 glasses
Salt - 2tbs
Chopped -Onion, coriander leaves, mint leaves, tomatoes and chillies
Grind - Garlic and ginger; Powder- Cardamom, cinnamon and cloves
(Water quantity should be always double the amount of rice, including coconut milk and the water added for cooking the meat.)
Preparation :
Soak the biriyani rice in water for half an hour. Drain the water. Take a vessel, heat little ghee or dalda and heat the rice in a low flame for 10 minutes. Keep it aside. Saut?the onion, green chillies and tomatoes in a big vessel in dalda or ghee for some time. Then add the ground garlic and ginger and half the quantity of the masala powder. Add the chicken pieces, salt and cook for 15 minutes (if it is lamb meat cooking time will be 25 minutes), to it add rice, coconut milk, water, remaining masala powder, coriander and mint leaves, and close the lid. Keep it on a gentle fire till cooked dry. While serving decorate with fried onion, roasted cashewnuts and egg.

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Ingredients :
Grated Carrot - 8cups
Ghee - 4tbs
Milk - 6cups
Sugar - 2cups
Almonds or cashew nuts - few
Saffron or cardamom powder for flavouring
carrot halwa
Preparation :
Saut?the grated carrots in ghee. Add milk and cook till very soft. Add sugar, simmer for a while, till sugar dissolves and the mixture thickens. Add saffron or cardamom powder. Garnish with flaked almonds or cashew nuts. Serve hot or cold as desired.

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Ingredients :
Wheat flour - 1cup
Besan - 1/2cup
Melted ghee or dalda - 1/2tsp
Sieves and powdered sugar - 1/2cup
Cardamom powder - 1/4tsp
Chopped cashew nuts - 3dsp
Sugar - 1/2cup
Melted ghee - 1/2cup
wheat flour laddu
Preparation :
Heat a pan and add the melted ghee or dalda. Saut?wheat flour and besan together. (Do not allow the colour of the flour to change). When it is done, remove from fire and allow to cool. Add powdered sugar and cardamom powder and mix well.

Melt 1/2cup sugar in a pan. Add 1/4cup ghee in it. Pour the content immediately on a greased flat vessel or bowl. This syrup will become hard when cooled. Grind it coarsely and add this to the prepared flour mixture.

Fry the cashew nuts and mix in the remaining 1/4cup ghee. Add this to the flour mixture and mix well. Make small balls before it cools.

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Ingredients :
Coconut - 2nos
Sugar - 2 cups
Camphor - a pinch
nariel laddu
Preparation :
Grate the coconuts. Mix it well with sugar and pour it to a saucepan. Stir continuously over medium heat. Once the water from the coconut begins to form lumps, remove the mixture from fire. Add a pinch of camphor and mix well.

Grease the palms with a little ghee and roll the mixture into small laddu while still warm.

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Method 1
Ingredients :
Bananas - 3nos
Milk - 1cup
Soda powder - 1/2tsp
Refined flour - 1cup
Sugar - 1cup
Cardamom powder - 1/2spoon
Preparation :
Mix milk, sugar and bananas finely in a vessel. Sieve the soda powder and flour together. Add this to the banana mixture and mix well. Also add the cardamom powder. Transfer the contents into a greased vessel and bake in an oven for 1/2 an hour.

Method 2
Ingredients :
Ripe Big Bananas - 2nos
Refined flour - 1/4kg
Baking powder - 1tsp
Butter - 1/4kg
Powdered sugar - 1/4kg
Egg - 4nos
Grated orange skin - 1tsp
Milk - 1/4cup
Vanilla essence - 1/2tsp
Cardamom powder - 1/2tsp
Sugar - 2dsp
Preparation :
Steam and smash the bananas, removing the seeds and fibres. It should be one cup. Sieve the refined flour and baking powder together.

Soften the butter and beat with the powdered sugar. Add the egg yolk to it one by one and beat again. Add the grated orange skin to it and mix the contents well.

Add milk little by little to the refined flour and make a dough. Add the smashed bananas and the prepared butter-egg mixture to it.

Beat the egg white till light and fluffy and add the vanilla essence, cardamom powder and sugar in it. Mix it well with the cake batter.

Pour the contents to a greased and floured vessel and bake in a preheated oven which is set at 400oC.
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