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Thomas Bates: Thomas Bates' birthdate is unknown, but he was born at Lapworth. He was a long-standing retainer to Robert Catesby and the Catesby family. Bates' position as a servant was definitely not the index of his social standing. Though he was addressed as a yeoman in his indictment, Bates was far from being a menial. He had servant to serve him and also possessed a suit of armour. He was probably a cattle-dealer on behalf of Catesby, whom he served devotedly. Bates proved invaluable to the conspirators, being absolutely loyal and reliable. Being a man of "ordinary condition," acted as his advantage as he was able to undertake many activities, such as driving wagons and acting as a messenger, without inviting suspicion. After the plot was revealed, Bates fled London along with Catesby, but lost all resolve after he saw Catesby's injuries in the gunpowder explosion at Holbreche House. He was given 100 pounds sterling by Christopher Wright after which he fled the scene only to be captivated in Staffordshire on November 12th. Being of low birth, he was imprisoned in the Gatehouse Prison instead of the Tower. During his examination on December 4th, it is believed that the evidence Bates gave may have been falsely used to implicate the Jesuits in the Gunpowder Plot and that he may have tried to purchase a pardon for himself by offering to pay the 100 pounds given to him by Christopher Wright. As he was being taken to the execution site (St. Paul's Churchyard) on January 30, 1606, Bates' wife broke through the guards and threw herself on her husband. It is assumed that Bates took this opportunity to tell her where he had hidden the 100 pounds. On the scaffold, Bates was penitent, pleaded with the authorities for forgiveness and claimed that it was loyalty to Catesby which had prevented him from obeying God, his country and the King.

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