Mahavir Jayanti Anagram Puzzle

The biggest religious festival for the Jains, Mahavir Jayanti is a sacred and joyful occassion that marks the birth anniversary of Vardhamana Mahavira, the last great spiritual leader in Jainism. Celebrate the birthday of this great soul with an entertaining anagram puzzle that has been specially created according to the spirit of the occassion. Have an enjoyable time with this brilliant puzzle activity themed to Mahavir Jayanti. If you love solving our Mahavir Jayanti Anagram Puzzle, click here to share it with your pals. Happy Mahavir Jayanti!

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Mahavir Jayanti Anagram Puzzle

Scoop out as much fun as possible out of our favourite Jain holiday with this fantastic anagram puzzle themed to the occassion. All you require is taking out a print of the puzzle template from below and rearrange each set of mixed up letters to create words that have a relation with the holiday. Best of Luck!

Mahavir Jayanti Anagram template

  Instructions for Printing :

1) Click on the template thumbnail provided below and open it in a new window.

2) Click on the "Print" button in the new window or go to the menu bar of the window and click File>Print. To get an idea how your printout will look like, click on File>Print Preview before you take out a print.

3) Print out the template. Then close the template window to return to this screen.

4) Solve the anagram.

NOTE: Set page margins to zero if you have trouble fitting the template on one page (FILE, PAGE SETUP or FILE, PRINTER SETUP in most browsers).

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