Mahavir Jayanti Stories

Mahavir Jayanti is the most important religious holiday in Jainism and marks the birth anniversary of the great Jain spiritual leader Lord Mahavir. In keeping with the sacred mood of the occassion, TheHolidaySpot brings you a great story that narrates an incident from the life of Lord Mahavir. Read this beautiful tale of spirituality and keep coming back for more. If you like this tale, click here and forward it to your friends and all those you think would enjoy it. Celebrate Mahavir Jayanti with TheHolidaySpot!

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Go through this beautiful story about Lord Mahavir and his meeting with King Prasenjit. We plan to add more tales soon, so keep visting this space more often.
Lord Mahavir and Prasenjit
This story depicts a famous incident from the life of Lord Mahavir. At that time, Lord Mahavir attained spiritual perfection and his fame had spread far and wide. Men and women of various social standing came to this wise man to become his disciple or to merely have a glimpse of him and bless themselves with his sight.
One day, a famous king named Prasenjit came to meet Lord Mahavir. As the monarch approached Mahavir with his many attendants, he was surprised at the extraordinarily tranquil expression of the blessed man and marvelled at the bright glow that seemed to emanate from his body. He sat on the ground before the lord.
After paying his obeisances to Lord Mahavir, King Prasenjit told about the reason of his visit. He told the great man,
"Sir, I have everything that one wishes to acquire in this world. Riches, love and respect of my subjects, a loving family, great renown, a kingdom spreading far and wide, physical strength and beauty - I have it all and I am deeply contented. I have nothing more to achieve and no greater ambition. And yet I felt myself incomplete when I heard about you. I hear that you have attained perfection in 'samadhi' (meditation). Can I acquire it too? I am prepared to buy it at any cost. It will be another addition to my treasury."
Hearing the words of Prasenjit, Mahavir smiled a little. He looked assuringly at the monarch and said, "If you want to achieve 'samadhi', look no further than the precincts of your own capital where there resides a very poor man. He has attained 'samadhi' and being so poor, he may like to sell it to you. He may help you more than myself."
Prasenjit bowed to Mahavir and imediately returned to his capital, looking for the man he was told about. It did not take him long to locate the dilapidated hut of the man. Once there, the king called for the man. As he came out, Prasenjit ordered his attendants to unload the gold coins, diamonds, emeralds and other expensive gifts from the many bullock carts he was accompanied with and stacked them before the house of the poor man.
"Take all these." the king said to the poor man, "Ask if you need more, and I will shower with more riches. But please give me that thing called 'samadhi'."
The poor man hesitated for a moment and said, "That is not possible sir."
Amazed, the king asked him "Why so?".
The poor man replied, "Sir, meditation is a state of mind that is earned through constant spiritual practice. All the riches of the world can not buy it. Tell me, can you buy love? Can you purchase affection? I love you, respect you; I am ready to give my life for you. But how can you give you my own feelings?"
The king understood that the bargain was not possible. Meditation or 'samadhi' is not something tangible. It is a mental state that is higher than all human feelings and worldly riches.
King Prasenjit went back to Lord Mahavir and became the latter's disciple from that day.
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