Mahavir Jayanti Crossword Answers

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Answer of Mahavir Jayanti Crossword

1.The ceremonial bath given to the the idol of Mahavira on Mahavir Jayanti. : Abhishek
4.Father of Lord Mahavira : Siddhartha
6.Lord Mahavira renounced the material world at this age : Thirty
7.Mother of Lord Mahavira : Trishala
9.The term "Jaina" has been derived from this word : Jina
10.Lord Mahavira was the 24th : Tirthankara
2.Lord Mahavira was a contemporary of this great sage and founder of a great religion : Buddha
3.Mahavir was a member of this caste : Kshatriya
5.The month in which Mahavir Jayanti is observed : Chaitra
8.The main principle of Jainism is non-violence or ______ : Ahimsa

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