
Different Names of Mawlid

Different Names of Mawlid

Mawlid or Milad Ul Nabi is known by similer but slightly different names like Eid E Milad, from culture to culture. This is due to the slight differences in pronunciation of Arabic, Urdu and other languages. We have given a list of the different ways this great event is called by different cultures:

Milād an-NabīThe Birth of the Prophet (Arabic/Urdu)
Mevlid-i ŞerifThe Blessed Birth (Turkish)
Mevlud/MevlidBirth (Bosnian)
Mawlūd-e SharīfThe Blessed Birth (Dari/Urdu)
Zadruz-e Payambar-e AkramThe birth of the great/blessed Prophet (Persian)
Eid al-Mawlid an-NabawīFestival of the birth of the Prophet (Arabic)
Eid-e-Milād-un-NabīFestival of the birth of the Prophet (Urdu)
Mawlid en-Nabaoui EcharifThe Blessed Birth of the Prophet (Algerian)
el Mūled (en-Nabawi)/Mūled en-NabiThe birth (of the prophet)/Birth of the prophet (Egyptian Arabic)
Yawm an-NabīThe Day of the Prophet (Arabic)
Maulidur-RasūlThe Birth of the Messenger of Allah (Malay)
MuludThe Birth (Javanese)
Maulid NabiThe Birth of the Prophet (Indonesian)
Maulud NabiThe Birth of the Prophet (Malaysian)
Maulidi? (Swahili)
Meeladu NabiThe Birth of the Prophet (Sri Lanka, Maldives, South India)
Gamou? (Wolof)
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