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The mitzvah serves for depicting activities for different areas and functions on Sukkot. Scroll below to check the mitzvahs for various functions.

The mitzvah of honoring the divine in human relationships:

The mitzvah of preparing the home and body for the festival.

The mitzvah of blessing children, (parents) and spouse.

The mitzvah of praying for the well-being of humanity. (In ancient times, Jews brought sacrifices to the Temple for the welfare of all humanity.)

The mitzvah of TSEDEKAH, including charities to help non-Jews.

The custom of making love on the day of the festival.

The mitzvah of hospitality. Invite guests -- relatives, friends, strangers -- to eat with you in the sukkah (USHPIZIN). Traditionally, USHPIZIN represents the inviting of our forefathers -- Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron and David--to lend their presence and join us in the sukkah, one special invitee for each night. Invite these Biblical figures; invite their female counterparts--Sarah, Rebecca, Leah, Rachel, Miriam, Deborah, and Hulda, for example; or choose other figures from Jewish history past and present; or invite a different group each year after discussing whom to invite and why.

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