Save The Earth

Earth Day is the annual occassion to mark the progress made in keeping the planet clean and deduce better ways to make it a safer place to live in. Unlike most other occassions, it is not a holiday and is rather, an important day for everyone of us - the inhabitants of the globe. With Earth Day coming up again, TheHolidaySpot attempts to raise global awareness about the occassion by providing you all some interesting tips to save our planet. We advice you to follow these ideas yourself and click here to share them with your family members, friends and loved ones. Let's make a united effort to protect our Mother Earth. Let's have a more meaningful celebration of Earth Day!

Do Your Bit To Save the Earth

Plant a tree

This is one of the best things you can do for your mother Earth. Plant a sapling or bury a few seeds in your garden soil and watch it grow. If you do not have a garden, buy a pot and fill it with soil. Bury the seeds into the soil and moisten them daily to let them sprout seedlings in a few weeks. It is a small but significant way on your part to contribute more oxygen to the atmosphere.

Save Power

Energy saving is not the latest fad, but an important step to curb emission and the overuse of natural resources like coal and petrol. Did you know that a single computer left on all day long consumes about 1000 kw electricity in a year? That equals to over a ton of carbon emissions in a year. Make it an Earth Day resolution to switch off all electrical devices when not in use. If possible, do not keep your computer on stanby and shut it down instead. It is better if you buy laptops as they consume about 1/5th of the power drawn by a desktop. Even if you buy a desktop, get an LCD screen. Do not charge your cellphones, laptops and digital cameras unless they are fully out of power. If you are still one of those who use incandescent bulbs at home, you are adviced to replace them immediately with compact fluorescents (CFLs). These use four times less energy and last eight times longer. Besides being environment-friendly, the CFLs are also pocket-friendly for you.

Save water

Turn off the tap when you are not using it. Billions of gallons of water go waste every year due to misuse and almost everyone of us are guilty of this offence. Do not leave the tap running while you brush you teeth, shave or take a bath.


Did you know that a little strip of plastic takes a million years to disintegrate? And that every plastic bag you throw away becomes a toxic waste and can kill cattle and fish? So stop using plastic bags and switch to a cloth bag or a paper bag instead from this Earth Day. If you find it difficult, reuse your old plastic bags to buy the things you need.

Save Fuel

The more fuel you use, the more are you using up the earth's resources and releasing harmful gases like CO2 that pollute the atmosphere and contribute to global warming. So cover all short distances by cycle or better still, walk. It will save you some bucks, keep the earth clean and also benefit your health.