Mahavir Jayanti Crossword Puzzle

With just a few days to go for Mahavir Jayanti, the holiest Jain festival, here is something that will double up your pleasure during the occassion. Here is a highly interesting crossword puzzle themed to the holiday that is not only intended to give you some clean fun but also enlighten you about many different aspects of Lord Mahavir and Mahavir Jayanti. If you love solving this Mahavir Jayanti Crossword Puzzle and want to refer it to anyone, just click here to do so. Happy Mahavir Jayanti!

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Crossword Puzzle for Mahavir Jayanti

Solve this exciting Mahavir Jayanti Crossword Puzzle. Cracking the puzzle involves using the verbal clues to figure out the words that are likely to go into the corresponding boxes of the puzzle. Have fun!

Crossword with word clues :  
Cracking the puzzle code involves using the verbal clues to figure out the words that are likely to go into the corresponding boxes of the puzzle.
Word Crossword

  Printing the Template

1) Click on the crossword template to open it in a new window.

2) Click on the "Print" button in the new window or click File>Print in the top left part of the menu bar of the window. To preview your printout, click on File>Print Preview before you issue a print.

3) Print out the template. Close the template window to come back to this screen.

4) Solve the anagram.

NOTE: Set page margins to zero if you face difficulties fitting the template on one page (FILE, PAGE SETUP or FILE, PRINTER SETUP in most browsers).

Click here for Answers
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