Stories of Ram Navami

One of the many incarnations of Lord Vishnu, Lord Rama appeared in the Treta-Yuga to deliver mankind out of all evil and restore human race to its peaceful existence. A plethora of interesting stories on Lord Rama can be found in fascinating epics and scriptures such as the "Ramayana" and "Sri Ramcharitmanas". TheHolidaySpot brings you some of the most popular stories on Lord Rama for you to read on Ram Navami. These "Stories of Ram Navami" are sure to keep you hooked and give you an enjoyable time. If you like to share these Ram Navami Stories with your dear ones, click here and refer them this page. Have a holy Ram Navami!

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Go through these timeless stories on Lord Rama and keep yourself entertained on Ram Navami.

Rama and the Demons

Democracy and the modern way of life have given us the chance to live without bloodshed and fights. But this was not so thousand years ago.

In India, people were divided into four groups known as castes according to their birth and occupation. These four castes were the Brahmanas, the Kshatriyas, the Vaishyas and the Shudras. Of these, the Kshatriyas were entrusted with the protection of the other three castes. All able chidren belonging to the Kshatriyas were trained in the art of warfare from an early age.

Ramachadra, who was born as a prince, belonged to the Kshatriya caste. Like all Kshatriya boys, he was being taught in martial ways or the art of battle. Being an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, the supreme god, none was equal to Rama in strength and military ability as also in all other ways. He picked his lessons faster than his teachers could imagine and did it even better than how he was shown.

One day, the great sage Vishwamitra came to Ayodhya approached King Dasharatha, Rama's father. He informed the monarch how two Rakshasas (demons), the female monster Tadaka and her son Maricha, were attacking the hermitage where he resided along with other yogis (saints), causing mental troubles for them all and interrupting their spiritual activities.

Rama was all of 16 years at this time. King Dasharatha was hesitant as his son was too young for the task. He offered to go with Viswamitra himself, but on the sage's insistence he agreed to send Rama, along with his younger son Lakshmana. The two young princes promised Dasharatha that they would obey the great sage and try to fulfill all his wishes. With the blessings of their parents, the boys set off with Rishi (sage) Vishwamitra.

Soon the three arrived reached Dandaka forest, where the Rakshasi Tadaka and her son Maricha lived. On the order of Viswamitra, Rama shouted a challenge to the demons to come out and face them. He twanged the string of his bow. At its violent sound, the wild animals in the jungle were seen to run helter-skelter out of fear. The birds perched on nearby trees chirped as loud as they could and flew as fast as possible.

A moment of silence followed. Then the huge figures of Tadaka and Maricha were seen to emerge from behind the tree leaves. Mad with rage, the demoness roared furiously and lunged at Rama and Lakshmana. A great battle ensued, such a one as is rarely seen. At last Rama shot a deadly arrow at Tadaka that went though the heart of the demoness, killing her instantly. Seeing his mother die before his eyes, Maricha attacked the brothers with double ferocity. After a terrible fight that felled many trees and raised a duststorm, Maricha was killed. A shower of arrows from Rama and Lakshmana's bows propelled the demon's body through the air and dropped it into the sea.

Pleased at the prince's efforts, Viswamitra taught the brothers several mantras (divine chants) that could be used to summon many divine weapons. With his blessings, the princes returned to their palace and the overjoyed King Daharatha held a celebration to mark this great occassion.

The Wedding of Rama

This enchanting tale recounts the marriage of Lord Rama, the prince of Ayodha, with Sita - the princess of Janaka.

The state of Janaka owed its name to King Janaka, a righteous ruler who had a most formidable bow which he received from the great Lord Shiva for once ameliorating the temper of the latter. This legendary bow was so strong and heavy that none could ever lift it alone to bend and string it. King Janaka found it impossible for himself to use this bow. He preserved this great instrument and made daily offerings of flowers to it as a mark of respect for Lord Shiva. He wished that the one who would marry his beloved daughter Sita must bend and sting this extraordinary bow known as "Haradhanu". He made his desire public when Sita attained her marriageable age.

Sage Vishwamitra was aware that Lord Rama was no ordinary human being and he asked the young prince to try his luck. He brough Rama and his brother Lakshmana to the royal palace of Janaka where other suitors had also assembled. None of them were being able to lift the bow, let alone string it.

After sometime, there were none who could try the feat. All princes and kings who boasted of their strength had hung their heads in shame.

Then Vishwamitra indicated Rama to make an attempt. Within no time, the tall prince raised the bow in one hand , and asked Janaka,
"What do you want me to do with it? Shall I string it now?"

A delighted Janaka nodded in assent and Rama attempted to bend the bow in order to tie its ends with a string. But it cracked in two pieces, with such a deafening noise that it seemed a thunder had struck the very place where they were standing. Everyone present there became unconscious, except for Vishwamitra, Rama and Lakshmana.

Almost immediately, flowers were showered on Ramachandra from the heaven. The gods cheered at this remarkable achievement of Lord Rama. With the assent of King Janaka, Sita garlanded the mighty Ramachandra and the lord took him as her wife after an elaborate marriage ceremony.

Never did a couple look so lovely together as Lord Rama and Sita. Valmiki compared the sight of Rama and Sita together to the moon and the brightest star. Everyone present there had regained consciousness and all of them admitted that there was never such a good match. The newly wedded couple returned to Ayodha to be given a warm welcome by King Dasharatha, the royal family and the subjects.

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