
4th July Poems for American Independence Day

Here are some poems that you can read and use for Happy Birthday America! You can also select a poem by your mouse, copy it, and send it with a free 4th July greeting card to someone. You can also send these poems to a friend by clicking here!

Poems on American Independence Day

Lady of Liberty

lady of liberty and mother of freedom and justice to all,......

who offers her welcome to whomever may call,
be them rich, poor or oppressed,....

she stands watch in the in her robes,so dressed,...
....a gift of friendship from france to the u.s.

dedicated in 1886 and designated a national monument in 1924,.....
a historic landmark to it's very core.

she passed her torch from bedloe's to the renamed liberty island,...
...never frowned,.....
but,kept on smiling.

she raised her torch of eternal light and freedom upward
toward the heavenly clouds,......
evoking cries and tears of emotion from the visiting crowds.
so, thanks to the great genius of bartholdi and eiffel our symbol
of freedom still stands by the bay,.....
to signal to all passing through, that liberty,justice and the
pursuit of happiness and opportunity in america is here to stay,......
in the good ole u.s.a.


Statue of Liberty

America, My Hometown

- A Poem by Joseph P. Martino

"When I travel about this great nation, I never cease
to frown,…. for wherever I seem to land and settle,
I call……
America, my hometown

When I cross the Golden Gate in Frisco Bay, the western
States,the Rockies and great plains, my heart wells up
with pride,….from emotions felt deep inside, and my tears
become so hard to hide.
America, my hometown.

From the golden shores and shining cities of the west and along the sandy shores towns and villages of the GARDEN STATE things still look simply great.

all through colonial new england and up to rugged coastline of the great State of Maine.
our peoples’ quest and dreams of liberty ,and freedom
still remain the same.
for justice,freedom and liberty for all, still ring true today,…..
just as the liberty bell, in our founders’ yesterday.
America, my hometown.

Along the mighty Mississippi from Minneapolis to
New Orleans,….our country’s morality and
patriotic spirit is alive and well, just as all our
other great and noble dreams.
America,my hometown.

Our founders’ vision of liberty and freedom in our country still lives
on today,throughout our nation in cities,both large and small and
along main street U.S.A.
as Lady LIberty stands ever vigilant atop her pedestal on the Bay as our founding fathers dream of
liberty and freedom still live on, to this very day.”
America, my hometown.

God bless America!!!!

Fourth of July Poem

The United States of America

"The United States of America" copyright joseph p.martino

The United States of America, no more powerful words ever written or said.

A nation born of revolution and framed and formed by our founding fathers.

Meaningful words such as: Freedom, Liberty and Justice still prevail, ringing out loud and clear…as the American symbol of independence, The Liberty Bell, did in our founders yesteryear.

Lady liberty stands ever vigilant, high upon her pedestal overlooking the harbor, adorned in her flowing robe, crown and flaming torch and arm raised aloft in her hand…America, just like our Lady Liberty, has never denied the American dream and gift of asylum to those seeking a better life in this great land, for when it comes Freedom and Liberty Americans and America will never deny or look the other way, nor bury their heads in the sand.

America offers all a refuge and haven to all the oppressed and downtrodden masses of the world for, it does not make a difference to this great nation and her people if you’re rich, poor, ethnicity, or language that one speaks or continent you’re from, the only thing we ask is your allegiance and love of America as you follow the beam of light that that Lady Liberty shines along the path that leads to her welcoming front door.

227 years ago...on July 4th, 1776
This great nation, the United States of America,
In a struggle for what was right and free,
Was proudly born...
May we celebrate that precious freedom
For which our forbears fought so bravely...
The freedom that is inherent
In the Stars and Stripes, our revered flag...
Celebrate Freedom
This Fourth of July!

Independence Day

I know it's hard for you
I guess that's the way it must be
It's kinda rough on me, too
but time is out now, don't you see?

The day has come now
when I must tell you goodbye
I'm going to manage somehow
either to survive or to die

I'm leaving now
don't ask me why
I've got to get out of here
I'll spread my wings
and try to fly
and if I fail
I'll hit the ground and die

I put no blame on you
but there's no way that I could stay
I guess you already knew
it is my independence day
It is sad to grow up
and see everything disappear
but you can't make the world stop
I've got to get rid of my fear
I'm leaving now
don't ask me why

I've got to get out of here
I'll spread my wings
and try to fly
and if I fail
I'll hit the ground and die
Hanne Munkholm

Poem on American Independence Day

The 4th of July

It's time for the "Barbecue"
And the "Fireworks" galore!
And the "Beer" and the "Friends"
And the "Burgers" for sure!

But most important
And I really must say
Is that "America" got
Its "Independence" today!

Yes in "1776"
The famous politician
Senator "John Hancock"
Had signed the petition

That stated that our country
Was "free" from all others!
And that we would "only be governed"
By our "American brothers"!

So while we are celebrating
This "great day of fun"
Let us always remember
What our forefathers had done!
Billy Nardozzi

Fourth of July Night

The little boat at anchor in black water sat murmuring to the tall black sky
A white sky bomb fizzed on a black line.
A rocket hissed it's red signature into the west.
Now a shower of Chinese fire alphabets,
A cry of flower pots broken in flames,
A long curve to a purple spray, three violet balloons---
Drips of seaweed tangled in gold, shimmering symbols of mixed numbers,
Tremulous arrangements of cream gold folds of a bride's wedding gown---
A few sky bombs spoke their pieces, then velvet dark.
The little boat at anchor in black water sat murmuring to the tall black sky.
- Carl Sandburg
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