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This is how you can just celebrate this national holiday in a different way.

Hoist the national flag in the morning of the Fourth. You could ask your friends and other kids of the around to join you. Form a team. Let one of you blow a trumpet to show respect to the spirit of Independence. Following this let everybody sing the anthem in chorus.  It will cast a strange kind of spell over the whole ambience.

flag hoisting

Once you are done with the flag hoisting part, it’s time to give your house a patriotic look. Consider decorating your house with balloons, and streamers, in red or blue. Paint the white balloons with stripes of red. And paint silver white stars on some blue balloons. You can also leave some red and blue balloons just as they are. The idea behind all these is to allow the colors of the Flag rule roost. Leave the colorful streamers trailing in the summer breeze. This whole decoration is sure to boost your patriotic feelings.


You can make use of some flowers in the decoration. The use of flowers will surely be enhancing the beauty of your house further. Get hold of some red, white and blue tissue flowers and wire them into cone shaped styro foams. Make ribbon loops in one color, either red or blue, stitch their ends and wire them. Then push them into the cone between the flowers to finish. You can make good use of these cones to decorate the tables available. Or, they may be speared on lengths of bamboo stakes. Paint the stakes red or blue and spray the top of the gravel with color. Secure them in pots of gravel. Spray paint the gravels in red, blue and white. Trim the pot with ribbons. These give the patio a festive air.

flower decorations

Apart from decorating the place with these patriotic materials, be a true leader enough in arranging something creative, something patriotic. What about performing a play on stage? Take the initiative to stage a play which has full historical connotations attached. Seek the help of your parents as well consult your teachers as to which play to choose. Once you done with the choosing now get along with preparing the setups. Pick up the characters from out of your friends and make them understand their respective roles. And soon start rehearsing well beforehand so that you can give your best.

staging plays

Apart from enacting plays, you can also take an initiative to host a poetry or story (of patriotic theme) reading contest. Get hold of all your friends who are good at it and make them read out some good pieces. The best should definately be entitled to some grand prizes and gift items. Make sure you disclose the idea to your class teachers or local poets and see how well your idea is being acclaimed by all.

poetry reading contest

Or, go in for a musical Independence Day celebration. Organize kind of a musical show, with the bands playing some some patriotic themes. But this whole idea would be possible if you the muscial instruments come handy to you as well to your band members. Otherwise the whole concept my prove as a burden on your pockets.

children performing in band

You could also host a 4th of July theme party. The party will become more thrilling if it is themed as a costume party. Ask all your invitees to come sporting the 18th century dresses. It's like reliving those glorious events associated with our Independence. You can take the help of your teachers as well.

costume party

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