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Celebrate the spirit of Independence. And load the whole day with fun, feast and fireworks.

salute with the sunrise Try to make the most of the day. Get yourself started early.
Well, you may try to catch the rising sun and salute your nation
under the flag, just as the day breaks.
It is going to have a wonderful effect on the ambience.
Decorate your house with balloons, and streamers.
Some in red or blue. And some sporting the colors of the Flag.
You can also paint the white balloons with stripes of red. 
And paint silver white stars on some blue balloons.
decorate with balloons

Let the colors of the Flag dominate all over your place. Leave the colorful streamers trailing proudly
in the summer breeze.
the Flag that dominates

flowers for the 4th Flowers of the Fourth: Make red, white and blue tissue flowers and wire them into cone shaped foams. Spear the cones on lengths of bamboo stakes. Paint the stakes red or blue. Secure the stakes in pots of gravel. And spray the top of the gravel with color. These give the patio a festive air.

Fly colors - red, white and blue.
And also those in the colors of the Flag.
It's real thrilling to see the bright stars and stripes
fly so high against the summer sky.
flying the spirit of independence

viewing the 4th's parade Spend the day under the sun viewing parades. 
Or attend some 4th of July special events. Like an outdoor concert. Or a patriotic play.

Stage a historical play, or,
organize a poetry reading contest
in your community, or at the school.
If possible, dedicate a poem, or, a song
to this historic occasion.
dedicate a poem

for a barbecue Have a nice feast with your family and friends.
Arrange the feast in a barbecue style in your yard
or in an opening space anywhere near
or far away from the house.
Check out at "for a brilliant barbecue"

packup basket for picnic Or, go out, packing a basket of food
to picnic in style.
Select a Fourth of July hotspot, vibrant with colors and busy with a variety of events.
Spend the day enjoying the events
and the picnic itself.
Check out at "for a prime picnic"
picnic in the park

In the evening enjoy the dazzling fireworks display.
But take extreme caution while trying them -
the sparklers or the crackers, yourself.
for a safer fireworks

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