Crafts Ideas for may day

be creative in celebrating the day

The celebration of May Day is a great time. The time to welcome Summer, and celebrate new beginnings. And what else than flowers can be used to greet a newcomer. Thus celebrating May Day gets its best with flowers. Flowers of bright colors that adorn the season of spring.
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The celebration of May Day is a great time. The time to welcome Summer, and celebrate new beginnings. And what else than flowers can be used to greet a newcomer. Thus celebrating May Day gets its best with flowers. Flowers of bright colors that adorn the season of spring.

And to get those flowers all you need is a basket. The tradition of May Day Baskets is a fun way to let your friends and loved ones know that you think of them.

So get ready to craft a special basket. Fill it with a bunch of summer flowers and leave it on a friend's front door knob. The door bell is rung, and you run and hide so they won't know who has left the greeting.

Again baskets are not the last word. You can also surprise your folks by hanging a greenery chain, a green posy, garland or, even a flower rope. In fact, you can be liberal in catching the May Day mood with any creative idea with a touch of the flora.

So, be creative, and, celebrate May Day with the " floral wish for your dearest folks".

may day basket
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may day hat
flowery May Day hat
vase basket
Vase basket
paper flowers
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