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These are the events associated mainly with the Birth of the United States and its early years of growth till the 19th century:

The Chronology as adopted from the world history focuses on the part of America.
Year Events
1498 - The Letters Patents of King Henry the Seventh Granted unto Iohn Cabot and his Three Sonnes, Lewis, Sebastian and Sancius for the the Discouerie of New and Unknowen Lands; March 5

Sixteenth Century Documents
1578 - Letters Patent to Sir Humfrey Gylberte June 11
1584 - Charter to Sir Walter Raleigh; March 25

Seventeenth Century Documents
1606 - The First Charter of Virginia; April 10
1609 - The Second Charter of Virginia; May 23
1611 - The Third Charter of Virginia; March 12
1620 - Charter of New England; November 3
1620 - Mayflower Compact; November 11
1621 - Charter of the Dutch West India Company; June 3
1621 - Ordinances for Virginia; July 24-August 3
1622 - A Grant of the Province of Maine to Sir Ferdinando Gorges and John Mason, esq., August 10
1629 - Charter of the Colony of New Plymouth Granted to William Bradford and His Associates; January 13
1629 - The Charter of Massachusetts Bay; March 4
1629 - Sir Robert Heath's Patent 5 Charles 1st; October, 30
1629 - Grant of Hampshire to Capt. John Mason, November 7
1632 - Charter of Maryland; June 20
1635 - Grant of the Province of New Hampshire to John Wollaston, Esq., April 18
1635 - Grant of the Province of New Hampshire to Mr. Mason, By the Name of Masonia; April 22
1635 - Grant of the Province of New Hampshire to Mr. Mason, By the Name of New Hampshire; April 22
1635 - The Act of Surrender of the Great Charter of New England to His Majesty; June 7
1635 - Grant of the Province of New Hampshire From Mr. Wollaston to Mr. Mason, June 11
1639 - Fundamental Orders; January 14
1639 - Grant of the Province of Maine; April 3
1639 - Fundamental Agreement, or Original Constitution of the Colony of New Haven, June 4
1639 - Agreement of the Settlers at Exeter in New Hampshire, August 4
1640 - William Bradford, &c. Surrender of the Patent of Plymouth Colony to the Freeman; March 2
1640 - Plantation Agreement at Providence; August 27 - September 6,
1641 - Government of Rhode Island-March 16-19
1641 - The Combinations of the Inhabitants Upon the Piscataqua River for Government, October 22
1643 - Patent for Providence Plantations - March 14
1643 - The Articles of Confederation of the United Colonies of New England; May 19
1643 - Government of New Haven Colony; October 27 - November 6
1662 - Charter of Connecticut; April 23
1663 - Charter of Carolina : March 24
1663 - Charter of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations - July 15
1663 - A Declaration and Proposals of the Lord Proprietor of Carolina, Aug. 25-Sept. 4
1664 - The Concession and Agreement of the Lords Proprietors of the Province of New Caesarea, or New Jersey, to and With All and Every the Adventurers and All Such as Shall Settle or Plant There; February 10
1664 - Grant of the Province of Maine; March 12
1664 - The Duke of York's Release to John Ford Berkeley, and Sir George Carteret; June 24
1665 - Concessions and Agreements of the Lords Proprietors of the Province of Carolina
1665 - Charter of Carolina; June 30
1669 - The Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina : March 1
1672 - A Declaration of the True Intent and Meaning of us the Lords Proprietors, and Explanation of There Concessions Made to the Adventurers and Planters of New Caesarea or New Jersey; December 6
1674 - Grant of the Province of Maine; June 29
1674 - His Royal Highness's Grant to the Lords Proprietors, Sir George Carteret; July 29
1676 - The Charter or Fundamental Laws, of West New Jersey, Agreed Upon
1676 - Quintipartite Deed of Revision, Between E. and W Jersey: July 1
1680 - Duke of York's Second Grant to William Penn, Gawn Lawry, Nicholas Lucas, John Eldridge, Edmund Warner, and Edward Byllynge, for the Soil and Government of West New Jersey; August 6
1680 - Commission of John Cutt; September 18
1681 - Concessions to the Province of Pennsylvania - July 11
1681 - Charter for the Province of Pennsylvania; February 28
1681 - Province of West New-Jersey, in America; November 25
1682 - Duke of York's Confirmation to the 24 Proprietors; March 14
1682 - Penn's Charter of Libertie; April 25
1682 - Frame of Government of Pennsylvania; May 5
1683 - Frame of Government of Pennsylvania: February 2
1683 - The Fundamental Constitutions for the Province of East New Jersey in America
1683 - The King's Letter Recognizing the Proprietors' Right to the Soil and Government ; November 23
1688 - Resolutions of The Germantown Mennonites; February 18
1688 - Commission of Sir Edmund Andros for the Dominion of New England; April 7
1691 - The Charter of Massachusetts Bay; October 7
1696 - Frame of Government of Pennsylvania

Eighteenth Century Documents
1701 - Charter of Privileges Granted by William Penn, esq. to the Inhabitants of Pennsylvania and Territories, October 28
1701 - Charter of Delaware; October 28
1702 - Surrender from the Proprietors of East and West New Jersey, of Their Pretended Right of Government to Her Majesty; April 15
1709 - The Queen's Acceptance of the Surrender of Government; April 17
1712 - Charles II's Grant of New England to the Duke of York, 1676 - Exemplified by Queen Anne; October 30
1725 - Explanatory Charter of Massachusetts Bay; August 26
1732 - Charter of Georgia; June 9
1754 - Albany Plan of Union; June
1765 - Resolutions of the Congress of 1765; October 19
1774 - Declarations and Resolves of the First Continental Congress; October 14
1774 - The Articles of Association; October 20
1775 - Patrick Henry - Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death; March 23
1775 - The Mecklenburgh Resolutions; May 20
1775 - The Charlotte Town Resolves; May 31
1775 - Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms; July 6
1775 - Resolution of Secrecy Adopted by the Continental Congress, November 9
1776 - Constitution of New Hampshire; January 5
1776 - Constitution of South Carolina - March 26
1776 - Preamble and Resolution of the Virginia Convention, May 15
1776 - Draft Constitution for Virginia; June
1776 - Lee's Resolution; June 7
1776 - Virginia Declaration of Rights; June 12
1776 - The Constitution of Virginia; June 29
1776 - Constitution of New Jersey; July 2
1776 - Declaration of Independence; July 4
1776 - Plan of the Treaties with France of 1778; September 17
1776 - Treaties with France : Instructions to the Agent September 24
1776 - Constitution of Delaware; September 21
1776 - Constitution of Pennsylvania - September 28
1776 - Constitution of Maryland; November 11
1776 - Constitution of North Carolina; December 18
1777 - Constitution of Georgia; February 5
1777 - Constitution of New York; April 20
1777 - Constitution of Vermont; July 8
1778 - France : Treaties of 1778 and Associated Documents
1778 - Exchange of Notes Referring to Articles 2 and 3 of the Treaty of Amity and Commerce with France of February 6, 1778
1778 - Constitution of South Carolina - March 19
1778 - Ratification of the Treaties with France - Debates in Congress; May 2-6
1778 - Treaty With the Delawares; September 17
1780 - An Act for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery - Pennsylvania; March 1
1781 - Articles of Confederation; March 1
1782 - Contract Between the King and the Thirteen United States of North America, signed at Versailles July 16, 1782
1782 - Preliminary Articles of Peace; November 30
1783 - Declarations for Suspension of Arms and Cessation of Hostilities Jan. 20
1783 - Contract between the King and the Thirteen United States of North America February 25
1783 - Proclamation Declaring the Cesssation of Arms; April 11
1783 - The Paris Peace Treaty 1783 and Associated Documents
1784 - Report on Government for Western Territory; March 1
1784 - Treaty With the Six Nations; October 22
1785 - Treaty With the Wyandot, etc.; January 21
1785 - Treaty of Amity and Commerce With His Majesty the King of Prussia; September 10
1785 - Treaty With The Cherokee; November 28
1786 - Treaty With the Chocktaw; January 3
1786 - Treaty With the Chickasaw; January 10
1786 - Resolution of the General Assembly of Virginia, January 21
1786 - Treaty With the Shawnee; January 31
1786 - Treaty of Peace and Friendship With Morocco; June 28 and July 15
1786 - Constitution of Vermont; July 4
1786 - Proceedings of Commissioners to Remedy Defects of the Federal Government Annapolis Maryland; September 11-14
1787 - Report of Proceedings in Congress; February 21
1787 - Credentials of the Members of the Federal Convention. Commonwealth of Massachusetts; April 9
1787 - Variant Texts of the Virginia Plan, Presented to the Federal Convention, Text A; May 29.
1787 - Variant Texts of the Virginia Plan, Presented to the Federal Convention, Text B; May 29.
1787 - Variant Texts of the Virginia Plan, Presented to the Federal Convention, Text C; May 29.
1787 - The Plan of Charles Pinckney (South Carolina), Presented to the Federal Convention, May 29
1787 - Variant Texts of the Patterson Plan Presented to the Federal Convention, Text A; June 15
1787 - Variant Texts of the Patterson Plan Presented to the Federal Convention, Text B; June 15
1787 - Variant Texts of the Patterson Plan Presented to the Federal Convention, Text C; June 15
1787 - Variant Texts of the Hamilton Plan Presented to the Federal Convention, Text. A; June 18
1787 - Variant Texts of the Hamilton Plan Presented to the Federal Convention, Text. B; June 18
1787 - Variant Texts of the Hamilton Plan Presented to the Federal Convention, Text. C; June 18
1787 - Variant Texts of the Hamilton Plan Presented to the Federal Convention, Text. D; June 18
1787 - Variant Texts of the Hamilton Plan Presented to the Federal Convention, Text. E; June 18
1787 - Credentials of the members of the Federal Convention : State of New Hampshire; June 27
1787 - Madison's Notes on Debates in the Federal Convention : May - September
1787 - Notes of Alexander Hamilton in the Federal Convention; June 1 - 26
1787 - Notes of Rufus King in the Federal Convention; May 31 - August 8
1787 - Northwest Ordinance; July 13
1787 - United States Constitution; September 17
1787 - Letter of the President of the Federal Convention to the President of Congress, Transmitting the Constitution; September 17
1787 - Resolution of the Federal Convention Submitting the Constitution to Congress, September 17
1787 - Resolution of Congress Submitting the Constitution To the Several States; September 28
1787 - Circular Letter of the Secretary of Congress Transmitting Copy of the Constitution to the Several Governors; September 28
1787 - Ratification of the Constitution by the State of Delaware; December 7
1787 - Ratification of the Constitution by the State of Pennsylvania; December 12
1787 - Ratification of the Constitution by the State of New Jersey; December 18
1788 - Ratification of the Constitution by the State of Georgia; January 2
1788 - Ratification of the Constitution by the State of Connecticut; January 8
1788 - Ratification of the Constitution by the State of Massachusetts; February 6
1788 - Ratification of the Constitution by the State of Maryland; April 28
1788 - Ratification of the Constitution by the State of South Carolina; May 23
1788 - Ratification of the Constitution by the State of New Hampshire; June 21
1788 - Ratification of the Constitution by the State of Virginia; June 26
1788 - Resolution of Congress Submitting Ratifications of the Constitution to a Committee; July 2
1788 - Ratification of the Constitution by the State of New York; July 26
1788 - Resolution of the Congress Fixing Date for Election of a President, and the Organization of the Government Under the Constitution, in the City of New York; September 13
1788 - Convention Defining and Establishing the Functions and Privileges of Consuls and Vice Consuls, signed at Versailles November 14, 1788.
1789 - Treaty With the Wyandot, etc., ; January 9
1789 - Treaty With the Six Nations; January 9
1789 - Resolution of the First Congress Submitting Twelve Amendments to the Constitution; March 4
1789 - Washington's First Inaugural Address; April 30
1789 - Ratification of the Constitution by the State of North Carolina; November 21
1790 - Washington's First Annual Message to Congress; January 8
1790 - Ratification of the Constitution by the State of Rhode Island; May 29
1790 - Treaty With the Creeks; August 7
1790 - Washington's Second Annual Message to Congress; December 8
1791 - Treaty With the Cherokee; July 2
1791 - Washington's Third Annual Message to Congress; October 25
1792 - Washington's Fourth Annual Message to Congress; November 6
1793 - Washington's Second Inaugural Address; March 4
1793 - The Proclamation of Neutrality; April 22
1793 - Washington's Fifth Annual Message to Congress; December 3
1794 - Treaty With the Cherokee; June 26
1794 - The Whiskey Rebellion; August 7
1794 - Treaty With the Six Nations; November 11
1794 - The Jay Treaty; November 19
1794 - Washington's Sixth Annual Message to Congress; November 19
1794 - Treaty With the Oneida, etc.; December 2
1795 - Greenville, Treaty of; August 3
1795 - Treaty of Peace and Amity With Algeria; September 5
1795 - Treaty of Friendship, Limits, and Navigation With Spain; October 27
1795 - Washington's Seventh Annual Message to Congress; December 8
1796 - Explanatory Article to Article 3 of the Jay Treaty May 5
1796 - Washington's Farewell Address
1796 - Treaty of Peace and Friendship With Tripoli; November 4
1796 - Washington's Eighth Annual Message to Congress; December 7
1797 - John Adam's Inaugural Address; March 4
1797 - Treaty of Peace and Friendship With Tunis; August 28
1797 - John Adam's First Annual Message; November 22
1798 - Explanatory Article to Article 5 of the Jay Treaty March 15
1798 - The Alien and Sedition Acts : July 6 and 14
1798 - Declaration of the Commissioners under Article 5 of the Jay Treaty October 25
1798 - John Adam's Second Annual Message; December 8
1798 - Virginia Resolution : December 24
1799 - Kentucky Resolution : December 3
1799 - John Adams' Third Annual Message; December 3

Nineteenth Century Documents
1800 - Convention With France; September 30
1800 - John Adam's Fourth Annual Message; November 22
1801 - Jefferson's First Inaugural Address; March 4
1801 - Jefferson's First Annual Message; December 8
1802 - Convention Regarding Articles 6 and 7 of the Jay Treaty and Article 4 of the Definitive Treaty of Peace January 8
1802 - Convention for Indemnification With Spain; August 11
1802 - Jefferson's Second Annual Message; December 15
1803 - Louisiana Purchase Treaty; April 30
1803 - Jefferson's Third Annual Message; October 17
1804 - Jefferson's Fourth Annual Message; November 8
1805 - Jefferson's Second Inaugural Address; March 4
1805 - Jefferson's Fifth Annual Message; December 3
1806 - Jefferson's Sixth Annual Message; December 2
1807 - Jefferson's Seventh Annual Message; October 27
1808 - Jefferson's Eighth Annual Message; November 8
1809 - James Madison's First Inaugural Address; March 4
1812 - Declaration of War With Great Britain; June 18
1813 - James Madison's Second Inaugural Address; March 4
1813 - Cartel for the exchange of prisoners of war with Great Britain; May 12
1814 - Treaty of Ghent with Great Britian; December 24
1815 - Treaty of Peace With Algeria; June 30 And July 3
1815 - Convention With Great Britian and Associated Documents; July 3
1816 - Treaty of Peace and Amity With Algeria; December 22 and 23
1817 - James Monroe's First Inaugural Address; March 4
1817 - Exchange of Notes Relative to Naval Forces on the American Lakes; April 28-29
1818 - Convention With Great Britian; October 20
1819 - Treaty of Amity, Settlement, and Limits With His Catholic Majesty; February 22
1819 - Constitution of Alabama; December 6
1821 - James Monroe's Second Inaugural Address; March 5
1823 - Monroe Doctrine; December 2
1824 - Convention of 1824 Amending the Treaty of August 1797, and March 26, 1799 With Tunis; February 24
1825 - Inaugural Address of John Quincy Adams; March 4
1828 - Treaty With The Potawatami; September 20
1829 - First Inaugural Address of Andrew Jackson; March 4
1829 - Treaty of Commerce and Navigation With Austria-Hungary; August 27
1832 - Treaty With the Potawatami; October 26
1832 - South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification, November 24
1832 - Andrew Jackson's Proclamation on Nullification, December 10
1833 - Second Inaugural Address of Andrew Jackson; March 4
1836 - The Texas Declaration of Independence : March 2
1836 - Address of the Honorable S. F. Austin, Louisville, Kentucky, March 7
1836 - Treaty of Peace With Morocco; September 16
1837 - Inaugural Address of Martin Van Buren; March 4
1838 - Texas-American Convention to Terminate Reclamations; April 11
1838 - Texas-American Boundary Convention; April 25
1841 - Inaugural Address of William Henry Harrison; March 4
1841 - Convention with Peru for the Satisfaction of Claims of American Citizens; March 17
1842 - The Webster-Ashburton Treaty and Associated Documents; August 9
1843 - Convention for the surrender of Criminals With France and Associated Documents; November 9
1844 - Convention for the Mutual Abolition of the Droit d'Aubaine and Taxes on Emigration With the Grand Duchy of Hesse; March 26
1844 - Texas Treaty of Annexation; April 12
1845 - Convention for the Mutual Abolition of the Droit d'Aubaine and Taxes on Emigration With his Majesty the King of Bavaria; January 21
1845 - Inaugural Address of James Polk; March 4
1845 - Convention with Saxony for the Mutual Abolition of the Droit d'Aubaine and Taxes on Emigration; May 14
1845 - Joint Resolution of the Congress of the United States for the Annexation of Texas; March 1
1845 - Joint Resolution of the Congress of Texas; June 23
1845 - Ordinance of the Convention of Texas; July 4
1845 - Treaty with the Two Sicilies; December 1
1846 - Convention for the Mutual Abolition of the Droit d'Aubaine and Taxes on Emigration With his Royal Highness the Duke of Nassau; May 27
1846 - Treaty with Hanover of Commerce and Navigation; June 10
1846 - Treaty with Great Britain, in Regard to Limits Westward of the Rocky Mountains; June 15
1846 - Laws for the Government of the Territory of New Mexico; September 22
1846 - Bill of Rights for the Territory of New Mexico; September 22
1847 - Declaration of Accession of His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Oldenburg, Under the Twelfth Article of the Treaty with Hanover. March 10
1848 - Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo; February 2
1848 - Convention Relative to Disposal of Property and Consular Jurisdiction With Austria-Hungary; May 8,
1848 - Postal Convention with Great Britain; December 15
1849 - Inaugural Address of Zachary Taylor; March 5
1850 - Clayton-Bulwer Treaty; April 19
1850 - Fugitive Slave Act; September 18
1852 - Treaty with the Apache, July 1
1853 - Treaty with the Comanche, Kiowa, and Apache; July 27
1853 - Convention With Great Britain; February 8
1853 - Inaugural Address of Franklin Pierce; March 4
1853 - Treaty for the Free Navigation of the Rivers Parana and Uruguay With Argentina; July 10
1853 - Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation With Argentina; July 27
1853 - Extradition Convention with Bavaria; September 13
1853 - Treaty With Mexico; December 30
1854 - Kansas-Nebraska Act; May 30
1856 - Extradition Convention with Austria-Hungary; July 3
1857 - Extradition Convention with Baden; January 30
1857 - Inaugural Address of James Buchanan; March 4
1860 - Democratic Party Platform; June 18
1860 - Amendments Proposed in Congress by Senator John J. Crittenden, December 18
1860 - South Carolina : Declaration of Secession; December 24
1861 - Constitution of Alabama; January 7
1861 - Georgia : Declaration of Secession; January 29
1861 - Texas : Declaration of Secession; February 2,
1861 - Provisional Constitution of the Confederate States of America; February 8
1861 - Amendments Proposed by the Peace Conference, February 8-27
1861 - First Inaugural Address of Abraham Lincoln; March 4
1861 - Constitution of the Confederate States of America; March 11
1861 - Extradition Treaty with Mexico; December 11
1861 - Postal Convention with Mexico; December 11
1862 - Treaty of Commerce and Navigation With the Ottoman Empire; February 25
1862 - Treaty With Great Britain for the Suppression of the Slave Trade; April 7
1862 - Emancipation Proclamation; September 22
1863 - Additional Article to the Treaty for the Suppression of the African Slave Trade With Great Britain; February 17
1863 - Instructions For the Government of Armies of the United States in the Field by Francis Lieber; April 24
1863 - Treaty for the Final Settlement of the Claims of the Hudson's Bay and Puget's Sound Agricultural Companies With Great Britain; July 1
1863 - Gettysburg Address; November 19
1863 - Agreement Concerning Admission of Tobacco with Austria-Hungary; December 24
1865 - Second Inaugural Address of Abraham Lincoln; March 4
1865 - Treaty with the Cheyenne and Arapaho; October 14
1865 - Treaty with the Apache, Cheyenne, and Arapaho; October 17
1867 - Russian Treaty; March 30
1867 - Treaty With the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache; October 21
1868 - Fort Laramie Treaty; April 29
1868 - Naturalization Treaty with Bavaria; May 26
1868 - Naturalization Convention with Baden; July 19
1870 - Consular Convention with Austria-Hungary; July 11
1870 - Naturalization Convention with Austria-Hungary; September, 20
1871 - Trade-Mark Convention with Austria-Hungary; November 25
1879 - United States, ex rel. Standing Bear, v. George Crook, a Brigadier-General of the Army of the United States.
1887 - Dawes Act; February, 8
1896 - Extradition Convention With Argentina; September 26
1898 - Treaty of Peace With Spain; December 10
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