Here comes Christmas Eve! Something we all wait for, impatiently, for a year! And why not! It is the time when families meet, gifts are wrapped, kids have fun, parents become lenient, crucial family time is spent together, grand family dinners are hosted, parties galore, and all joints are full! 24th December, the Christmas Eve, is so very special for all of us! And did I forget the holidays too start from this day!
Christmas is a grand occasion worldwide. This festival is a great equalizer. Family, friends, relatives all come together to make this festival grand and memorable. This feeling starts from the Christmas Eve. Each and everyone from all around the world try their best to get back home before the Christmas Eve so that they spent some quality with each other on this occasion.
Everyone waits for this festival and many make yearlong preparations to make this day memorable and fruitful for their loved ones and for themselves.
Different people have different plans for this day. Many get ready for the midnight mass and offer their prayers to the almighty for prosperity and peace in their lives. Children are busy tracking Santa for their gifts and they hang the stockings. Friends come together and have parties and get together. Even some watch movies following with dinner get together. Some escape for long vacations to avoid the humdrum of daily life. Even some people organize groups who sing Christmas carols from door to door and even at public venues.
I believe music is a must on a Christmas Eve. Listening to Christmas carols pumps up the festive mood. It does not mean that all day long one has to listen to only carols. Why not list up some of your own favorite tunes and create your jukebox to make the evening melodious and musical.
Decorations take up the major activity for the day, when houses, fireplaces, dinner tables, rooms and even self, all go through a makeover. Special care is taken to welcome Santa, and to decorate the fireplace, because living room takes prime importance in the season. The kids are eager get their gifts from Santa and new twist have been brought in with Santa Letters. You can also create a Santa letter in practically no time, by clicking here. The Christmas tree sees a bunch of gifts stacked at its base, which are opened the next day. Truly, Christmas brings in the very best in all of us!
Here are some lists that one can do on a Christmas Eve: