Candles, The Christmas Symbol

Candles on Christmas

There are several unique reasons why candles are linked with Christmas, even though no one knows when they became correlated in the first place. They were used at the time of the age old winter solstice galas as a way of recollecting that spring would arrive soon.

One of the earliest reports of candles being practiced during Christmas is during the middle ages, where a big candle was used to portray the star of Bethlehem. At times, Jesus is referred to, by Christians, as 'the Light of the World'. This might have commenced the custom of the Advent Candles and Advent Crowns.

Candles are even used at the time of the Jewish Festival of light, Hanukkah, which is also revered during winter. Throughout Hanukkah and its eight nights, a single candle is lit in a special candelabra or menorah called a 'hanukkiyah'. Candles are even used in the current winter gala Kwanzaa, where a unique candle holder that holds seven candles, called a kinara, is used.
The most popular use of candles at Christmas are probably during Carols by Candlelight Services. These are services when the church is set alight exclusively by candles. Candles were also primarily used to festoon Christmas Trees, until more modern methods like electric lights came of use. It was traditional to have a Yule candle instead of a Yule Log, in certain parts of Ireland. Christians often place tiny oil burning clay lamps on the flat roofs of their houses to celebrate Christmas in Southern India. Christians in China make use of paper lanterns to festoon their Christmas trees. In Sweden, candles are also used as part of the St. Lucy's or St. Lucia's day celebrations.

Yule Candles

Families throughout the British Isles, Denmark, Ireland, France, and Scandinavia observed Christmas by lighting especially large candles in past centuries. Home Christmas festivities occurred in the bloom of these gigantic tapers. A few families lit the candles on Christmas Eve. In this case, tradition called for the candle to burn all the way until morning. Some others set alight their candles on the morning of Christmas and kept them searing throughout the day. Big candles of this kind were also used during Christmas church services.

People interpreted the meaning of these Christmas candles in many different ways. A lot of folk were under the impression that the huge candle served its purpose as a natural portrayal for the coming of Jesus Christ, also known as "the light of the world." Some others said it symbolized the Star of Bethlehem. Several folk beliefs suggest that people generally viewed the home Christmas candle as portraying the family's future in a certain way. In several parts of England people practiced different variations of this custom by using many plain-sized candles instead of one gigantic candle. Many chandlers, or candle-makers and grocers presented their usual customers with the gift of a large candle at Christmas, in nineteenth-century England. In parts of Denmark people set alight two candles, one symbolizing the male head of the household, the other for the head of the female household. Whichever finished burning first was said to foresee which of them would expire first. Scottish folklore proclaimed that if the Christmas candle blazed out before midnight the family would soon go through some kind of hardship. Scandinavian tradition took into account that bad luck would definitely visit any family whose Yule candle burned out at the time of the holy night, possibly the casualty of a family member. While the flame burned, however, many Scandinavians trusted that the light of the Yule candle bestowed a blessing on all it touched. Families bore good things to drink and eat, clothing, money, and other desirable goods within the ring of candlelight in the hopes that they would be bestowed with more of these things in the following year.

Some people were under the impression that the remains of the candle regained their power to protect and bless even after Christmas was over. People caressed the stub of their Yule candle against their plows or utilized it to make the sign of the cross over their fauna, in Sweden. In other parts of Scandinavia, people gave the candle stub to their barnyard fowl or saved it as a grace against lightning and thunder. 

In Germany, Estonia, and Lithuania people lit candles at family gravestones on Christmas Eve. This tradition may be linked to old people’s beliefs regarding the return of the perished during Christmas.


Candles lead the list when it comes to shopping for Christmas. Hence, a Christmas theme without candle decorations does not exist. They are definitely considered a favorite during the holiday season.

Seasonal candles are extremely convenient to decorate with, many inexpensive and simple Christmas center pieces can be created providing an elegant touch to your home. An elegant and easy Christmas Candle can become a beautiful greeting message for your guests.

When festooning with candles, look for holiday scents to make your home give off a warm and inviting odour. Some examples include spiced sugar plum, pumpkin spice, sugar cookie, and warm vanilla, cranberry, evergreen, sugar plum, apple cinnamon, and plenty more. These beautifully smelling candles can establish a feeling of Christmas all over the house throughout the season.

Here are some candle designs for your reference.