Yom Kippur Matching Game Puzzle Answer Keys

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Here are the answers to your Yom Kippur Matching Game Puzzle. Have you managed to solve the puzzle? Check the answers and find out!

The Solution:
1) Yom Kippur is the tenth and final day of E. The Ten Days of Repentance.
2) Erev Yom Kippur is the day before I. Yom Kippur
3) Yom Kippur is mentioned in the Torah as H. Yom HaKippurim
4) The prayer services of Yom Kippur F. Ma'ariv; Shacharit; Musaf; Mincha; and Ne'ilah
5) A reading session of the Book of Jonah A. Haftarah
6) The month when Yom Kippur is observed D. Tishri
7) Yom Kippur is known in the western world as C. The Day of Atonement
8) A ritual purification bath for the Jews J. Mikvah
9) The prayer house of the Jewish people B. Synagogue
10) A Jewish musical horn G. Shofar
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