Yom Kippur Clothing and Jewellery

Yom Kippur is the holy Jewish occasion that sees millions of Jews in Israel and the world over keeping themselves under great self-restraint and observing sacred rituals. Know all about the apparels that Jewish people wear during Yom Kippur and the reason for wearing such clothes. If you enjoy reading about Yom Kippur Clothing and Jewellery, click here and forward this article to your friends and dear ones. Wish you a holy Yom Kippur.

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The nature of apparels to be worn on Yom Kippur differs from one community to another. But most Jewish communities largely follow the custom of wearing white clothes on Yom Kippur in supposed imitation of the ministering angels.

Customarily, men dress up in white clothes on which are woven a blue fringe known as "tzitzit". They also carry the "tallit" or "Tallit Gadol", a large four-cornered, fringed prayer shawl, around their shoulders. The color of the "tallit" is traditionally white, which signifies purity and mercy. Normally it is worn by males only during the morning prayers but on Yom Kippur it is worn throughout the day so that it brings on the blessings even at night. A smaller version of the "tallit", known as the Tallit Katan, is also worn under the outer garments all day long. This last custom is less widely observed nowadays.

Some people wear a white robe, known as "kittel", over their clothing. It closely resembles the cerement (burial cloth), and is believed to be a reminder the mortality of human beings and the need for atonement (teshuvah). Gold should never be used to adorn the kittel as the same metal was used to build the golden calf, an early act of sin on the part of Jewish ancestors. For the same reason, one should not wear gold jewelry. But one can decorate the kittel with silver, for silver is of almost the colour white, which represents purity and mercy and is the chosen hue for Yom Kippur.
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