Jewish Quotes for Yom Kippur

The sacred Jewish occasion to fast and offer prayers to the Almighty G-d, Yom Kippur is our promise to ourselves to renew our own nature and take our soul nearer to spiritual perfection. Go through these beautiful quotations from some of the major Hebrew scriptures that capture the essence and spirit of Yom Kippur in a most wonderful manner and imbibe the pith of the occasion. If you like to share these wonderful Jewish Quotes with your friends and dear ones on Yom Kippur, simply click here and pass this page on to them all. Gmar Chatimah Tovah!

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Read these wonderful Jewish Quotes and have a holy Yom Kippur celebration:

If a person fasts for his/her sins, and goes again and does the same things, who will listen to her / his plead. And what has (s)he gained by humbling him/herself?

~ Sirach or Ecclesiasticus 34:26
If a wo/man says, "I will sin and repent and then I will sin again and repent again," s/he is not in a position to repent. Likewise if s/he says: I will sin, and the Day of Atonement will atone for me," the Day of Atonement will not atone for her/ him.

~ M Yoma 8:9
The work of righteousness shall be peace
and the effect of righteousness quietness and confidence for ever.

~ Isaiah 32:17
When we fast, you say: Why do we afflict ourselves?
Is the fast day you think of one on which you only
think of your business and yet oppress all the workers?
Your fasting leads only to strive and discord,
and hitting out with a cruel fist.
Such a way of fasting on this day will not help you.
(or) Is this the fast I look for?
A day of self-affliction?
Bowing your head like a reed and
covering yourself with sackcloth and ashes?
Is this what you call a fast?
Is not this the fast I look for?
to release the shackles of injustice
to undo the grips of bondage
to let the oppressed go free,
and to break every cruel chain.
Is it not right to share your bread with the hungry
and to bring the homeless into your house?
When you see the naked to cloth them
and never to hide yourself from your own kin?
Then shall your light blaze forth like dawn and
your wounds shall quickly heal
your righteousness shall walk before you…
If you remove from your midst the chains of oppression
the accusing finger, the malicious word
if you make sacrifices to the hungry
and satisfy the needs of the afflicted
then your light will shine in the darkness and your night will become bright as noon.
You will be like a well watered garden,
and like a spring whose waters never fail.
Rebuild the ancient ruins and lay the foundations for ages to come;
you will be calledthe "repairer of the breach"
and the "restorer of streets to dwell in."

~ Isaiah 58:1-14
Who can say "I have purified my heart, I am free of sin?
There is no man on earth so righteous that he never sins!"
Cast away the evil you have done and get yourself a new heart and a new spirit.

~ Prov. 20:9
Peace, peace to the far and to the near!

~ Isaiah 57.19
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