Break the Fast Recipes

Fasting is an important tradition of Yom Kippur. But do you know what you should eat when you break the fast? After a day long fast, the average human body rich finds it difficult to digest rich food item. So it is preferable that you eat foods that are not heavy. To help you on this count, we have brought for you all some light food recipes that would be great for you to break your fast with. These range from the traditional "Il Bollo" to tasty salad dishes. So go through these "Break the Fast Recipes" and prepare them at home. If you like our "Break the Fast Recipes" and want to refer them to your friends, just click here and do so. May Yom Kippur pass well for you and your family.

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Break your Yom Kippur fast with these easy-to-make and light-to-eat food recipes:

Yom Kippur Bread

Il Bollo (Yom Kippur Bread)

(Usually served in the living room, this bread is the first food consumed after
fasting, before partaking in a full meal at the table.)

Ingredients :

1) Flour - 5 1/2 cups, unbleached and divided.
2) Yeast - 2 envelopes, active and dry.
3) Sugar - 1 1/2 cups.
4) Warm water - 1 cup.
5) Eggs - 3.
6) Olive oil - 1/2 cup.
7) Anise seeds - 2 tbsp.
8) Vanilla extract - 2 tsp.
9) Salt - 2 tsp.
10) Lemon rind - 1 tsp., grated. (optional)
11) Egg yolk - 1.
12) Cold water - 1 tsp.

Also needed: A clean kitchen towel.

Preparation :

1) Keep all ingredients at room temperature. In a large bowl, mix 1 1/2 cups flour with dry yeast, 1 tsp. sugar and the warm water. Whip until you have a very smooth, soft dough. Lightly sprinkle over its top half a handful of flour. Cover it with the clean kitchen towel, and set aside in a warm spot for about 2 hours (or until doubled in size).

2) Heat the olive oil in a small pan. Add anise seeds and stir until lightly toasted. Keep to a side.

3) Next, return to the flour mixture. Add eggs, 1 1/4 cups sugar, oil and seeds and beat well. Add the vanilla extract, salt and grated lemon rind. Again beat well and keep adding enough flour from time to time. Continue until you get a soft dough.

4) Spread the rest of the flour on a working surface. Then, put the soft flour dough over it and knead, gathering the flour. Go on kneading until you have a dough stiff enough to hold its shape. Divide this stiff dough into two equal parts. Knead each part for a minute or two, and let rest for 5 minutes. Then shape each part into a 12-inch oval loaf, and put on a lightly oiled and generously floured baking sheet.
Cover with the towel and let rise in a warm place for 1 - 2 hours (or until more than doubled in bulk).

5) Brush the top of the loaves with the egg yolk (beaten with 1 tsp. water) and place them in a preheated 450-degree oven. Lower the heat to 350 degrees instantly and bake for 30 minutes or until dark brown.

6) Serve with small glasses of sweet vermouth.

Apple Crisp

Ingredients :

Apple Crisp

1) Tart apples - 8, peeled, cored and sliced.
2) Water - 1/2 cup.
3) Cinnamon - 1 tsp.
4) Nutmeg - 1/4 tsp.
5) Flour - 1 cup.
6) Butter/margarine - 7 tsp., unsalted.
7) Sugar - 3/4 cup.

Preparation :

1) Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

2) Lightly butter a baking dish (dimensions: 7 1/2- by 11 3/4-inch). Scatter the peeled apple slices evenly across its bottom. Pour in the water. Also add in the cinnamon and nutmeg.

3) Get a small bowl. Pour in it the flour, butter and sugar. Combine all of it together with a fork or pastry blender until crumbly. Spread this mixture evenly over the apples and bake for 30 minutes (or until the top becomes crispy and the apple filling turns frothy).

4) Drizzle the apple crisp with some honey. Pour some vanilla ice cream also. Serve warm.

Cucumber Salad With Dill

Ingredients :

Cucumber Salad With Dill

1) Water - 1 cup.
2) White vinegar - 1 cup.
3) Salt - 1/4 tsp.
4) Sugar - 1 cup.
5) Cucumbers - 2 large (hot-house variety), sliced paper-thin.
6) Dried dill weed or Fresh minced dill - 2 tbsp.
7) Bibb lettuce - 1 head.
8) Arugala - 1 bunch.
9) Cherry tomatoes (for garnish)
10) A large glass bowl

Preparation :

1) In the large glass bowl, combine the water, vinegar, salt and sugar until the sugar dissolves. Add the cucumbers and toss.

2) Cover the mixture with plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator for at least two hours.

3) Take it out of the freezer and drain. Garnish with watercress and cherry tomatoes. Serve on lettuce leaves.

Beet and Onion Salad

Ingredients :

Beet and Onion Salad

1) Beets - 5 (pickled, drained and sliced)
2) Onion - 1 large, red , peeled and thinly sliced.
3) Cucumber - 1, peeled and thinly sliced.
4) Olive oil - 1/3 cup.
5) Juice of 1 lemon
6) Eggs - 2 hard-boiled, peeled and chopped.
7) Parsley - 1 cup, minced.
8) Lettuce leaves

Also needed: A large and a small bowl.

Preparation :

1) Mix the beets, onion and cucumber together in a large salad bowl. Toss the ingredients well.

2) Combine the olive oil and lemon juice in the small bowl.

3) Add some salt and pepper to the beet mixture for seasoning. Garnish with chopped egg and parsley. Just before serving, pour the olive oil mixture over it and toss.

4) Serve in a bowl or on a bed of lettuce.

Pickled Beets

Ingredients :

Pickled Beets

1) Beets - 5 large, raw.
2) Mustard seeds - 1 1/2 tsp.
3) Allspice - 1/2 tsp., whole.
4) Cloves - 1/2 tsp., whole.
5) Cinnamon - 1 (2-inch) stick or 1/2 tsp, grounded.
6) Cider vinegar - 1 cup.
7) Salt - 1/2 tsp.
8) Sugar - 1 cup.

Preparation :

1) Trim the beets, leaving one inch of the stem.

2) Wash the beet pieces. Place them in a saucepan and pour cold water to cover them completely. Bring the mixture to a boil. Then reduce the heat and simmer under cover for an hour (or until the beets are tender). Reserve one cup of the liquid.

3) Slice off the stems of the beets while they are still warm. Then peel off and discard their outer skins. Place the beets in a large oven-proof bowl and set aside.

4) Place the mustard seeds, allspice, cloves and cinnamon stick in a cheesecloth bag. Fasten its mouth securely.

5) In a large saucepan, put the spice bag and pour over it the vinegar, reserved beet liquid and sugar. Mix it all well and boil for five minutes. Pour the mixture over the beet pieces. Cover and refrigerate nightlong.

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