
Quiz on Chhath Puja

Chhath Quiz

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Answer the questions below:

1. During Chhath puja which deity is worshipped?

2. What the main worshipper of the Chhath puja is known as?

3. The main worshipper fast for how many hours continuously during Chhath?

4. Chhath is celebrated in how many stages?

5. Chhath is celebrated for how many days?

6. A fried cookie, specially prepared during Chhath is known as what?

7. The devotee is also known as what?

8. According to the ritual of Chhath the devotees have to sleep on how many blankets?

9. What does the morning offering of day 4 is known as?

10. The vegetarian food prepared during Chhath does not include—

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