Hanukkah Candle Lighting Blessings

Hanukkah, one of the prime Jews fiestas, is celebrated with Hanukkah candles to throw lights on the miracle of Maccabees victory and the miraculous history of the oil which had burnt for eight long days in the temple. Lighting the Hanukkah Menorah, popularly known as Hanukkiah, is the major observance of this Jews carnival.

All the members of the family congregate around the Hanukkah Menorah to celebrate the occasion during each of the eight nights of Hanukkah. Blessings are recited before lighting the candles.

Two out of three blessings, written below, are recited during each night. The blessing of delight, the third one which was traditionally recited during each Jewish festival, is recited only when the menorah is lighted for the first time.


Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us by His commandments, and has commanded us to kindle the lights of Hanukkah.

Sfaradi/Modern Israeli:
Barukh Atta Adonay Eloheynu Melekh Ha-olam Asher Kiddeshanu Be-mitsvotav Ve-tsivanu Lehadlik Ner Shel khanuka

Common Ashkenazi (Western Europe, Belorussia, Baltic Republics):
Borukh Ato Adoynoy Eloyheynu Melekh Ho-oylom Asher Kiddeshonu Be-mitsvoysov Ve-tsivonu Lehadlik Neyr Shel khanuko

South Ashkenazi (Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Moldavia):
Burikh Atu Adoynoy Eloyhayni Melekh Hu-oylum Asher Kiddeshuni Be-mitsvoysuv Ve-tsivuni Lehadlik Nayr Shel khaniku


You are blessed by the God who is also the king of the Universe. who wrought miracles for our fathers in days of old, at this season.

Sfaradi/Modern Israeli:
Barukh Atta Adonay Eloheynu Melekh Ha-olam She-asa Nissim La-avoteynu Ba-yyamim Ha-hem Ba-zzman Ha-zze

Common Ashkenazi (Western Europe, Belorussia, Baltic Republics):
Borukh Ato Adoynoy Eloyheynu Melekh Ho-oylom She-oso Nissim La-avoseynu Ba-yyomim Ho-heym Ba-zzman Ha-zze

South Ashkenazi (Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Moldavia):
Burikh Atu Adoynoy Eloyhayni Melekh Hu-oylum She-usu Nissim La-avosayni Ba-yyumim Hu-haym Ba-zzman Ha-zze


This blessing is recited only on the first night or the first time one kindles the Hanukkah lights.

Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has kept us alive, and has preserved us, and enabled us to reach this time.

Sefaradi/Modern Israeli:
Barukh Atta Adonay Eloheynu Melekh Ha-olam She-hekheyanu Ve-kiymanu Ve-higgi'anu La-zzman Ha-zze

Common Ashkenazi (Western Europe, Belorussia, Baltic Republics):
Borukh Ato Adoynoy Eloyheynu Melekh Ho-oylom She-hekheyonu Ve-kiymonu Ve-higgi'onu La-zzman Ha-zze

South Ashkenazi (Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Moldavia):
Burikh Atu Adoynoy Eloyhayni Melekh Hu-oylum She-hekheyuni Ve-kiymuni Ve-higgi'uni La-zzman Ha-zze

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